Sabado, Setyembre 29, 2018

People vs. Siyoh 141 SCRA 356 (1986)

Qualified Piracy
People vs. Siyoh
141 SCRA 356 (1986)
By: G-one T. Paisones

            Julaide Siyoh with his companion all were armed; boarded the pump-boat in which Rodolfo de Castro, Danilo Hiolen, Anastacio de Guzman and Antonio de Guzman were riding.  The take, steal and carry away all their cash money and other valuable properties of the victim. The accused ordered the victims to jump into the water, and then fired their guns at them which cause the death of Rodolfo, Danilo and Anastacio and wounding Antonio.

            Whether or not the penalty of the accused (Siyoh and Kiram) is death


            For lack of necessary votes the penalty imposed shall be reclusion perpetua.

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