Sabado, Disyembre 2, 2017

Political Law MCQ-1

Political Law MCQ-1

Name: _____________
Directions: Chose the best answer; just encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. What is/are the stage(s) of amendment or revision?
                                I. Referendum
                                II. Proposal
                                III. Initiative
                                IV. Ratification
A. I only                                 B. I & III                 C. II & IV               D. I, II, III & IV

2. What test in which the proposed change in the constitution constitute amendment or a revision; in which the proposed change is so extensive in its provisions as to change directly the ‘substantial entirety’ of the Constitution by the deletion or alteration of numerous existing provisions?
A. Qualitative test            B. Completeness test     C. Sufficient Standard test                           D. Quantitative test

3. Which of the following provision(s) is/are self-executing provision(s) of the constitution?
                                I. Art. II: "Declaration of Principles and State Policies
II. Art. XIII: "Social Justice and Human Rights
III. Art. XIV: "Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture, and Sports
IV. Sec. 16, Art. II or the Right to a balanced and healthful ecology
A. II only                              B. IV only             C. I, III & IV                          D. I, II, III, & IV  

4. In case of doubt, how are the provisions of the Constitution construed?
I. Self-executing
II. Non-Self Executing
III. Mandatory
IV. Directory
V. Prospective
VI. Retroactive.
A. I, III & V
B. II & IV & VI
C. I, III, IV, V & VI
D. I, II, III, IV, V & VI

5. It is the power of the electorate to approve or reject legislation through an election called for that purpose.
A. Referendum B. Initiative         C. Election           D. Suffrage

6. It is a way in interpreting or construing constitution; in which it emphasizes that the Constitution has to be interpreted as a whole.
                A. Delegata Potesta, Non Potest Delegare                           B. Verba legis
                C. Ut magis valeat quam pereat                                                 D. Ratio legis et anima

7. What element of the state which is the fixed portion of the surface of the Earth inhabited by the people of the State?
                A. People            B. Government                 C. Sovereignty                   D. Territory

I. Ours is a government of laws and not of men
8. What is/are the manifestations of Republicanism?
II. Rule of Majority
III. Accountability of public officials
IV. Bill of Rights
A. I only
B. II & IV
C. I, III, & IV
D. I, II, III, & IV

9. What doctrine which states that “the legislation belongs to the Congress, execution to the executive, and settlement of legal controversies to the judiciary?”
A. Archipelagic Doctrine                                                               B. Doctrine of Constitutional Supremacy
C. Doctrine of Separation of Powers                        D. Doctrine of State Immunity

10. What test in which the proposed change in the constitution constitute amendment or a revision; in which the change will accomplish such far reaching changes in the nature of our basic governmental plan as to amount to a revision.
A. Qualitative test                            B. Completeness test                     C. Sufficient Standard test           D. Quantitative test

11. What branch of the government which has the power in the Implementation of laws?
                A. Legislative                      B. Judiciary          C. Executive       D. People

12. What form of the Government in which the control of national and local affairs is exercised by the central or national government; single, centralized government, exercising powers over both the internal and external affairs of the State.
                A. Federal government                 B. De jure            C. De facto          D. Unitary government

13. What form of the Government in which there is fusion of both executive and legislative powers in Parliament, although the actual exercise of the executive powers is vested in a Prime Minister?
                A. Presidential government                        B. Parliamentary government
                C. Unitary government                                  D. Federal government

14. What function of the government in which intended to promote the welfare, progress and prosperity of the people?
                A. Ministrant                      B. Constituent                   C. Laissez faire                   D. Govern

15. As to the existence or absence of title and/or control; what is the government under Cory Aquino and the Freedom Constitution?
                A. Federal government                 B. De jure            C. De facto          D. Unitary government

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